Wednesday, 1 February 2023

TODMORDEN: Ashenhurst, and BLACKSHAW HEAD: Hippins

Not the best day to be out but Fred and Kasher used the opportunity to give the azads, mattocks and spades some serious work on drainage problems. Firstly above Ashenhurst Road (on Todmorden 029) and then between Hippins and the wooden bridge over the clough, on Blackshaw 087.

1. Fred clearing turnbys

2. More mud!

In both places cross-drains were deepened or dug out to take water off the paths. Where streams and gulleys had burst their banks they were deepened to try to get the water to remain in the correct route . Turnbys were cleared out to take the water off the causey stones and down to the stream or to the hillside below.

We cut back brambles and holly on Tod 029 to widen the path. 

3. Overflowing drains and hidden
causey stones.

4. The holly was cut back.

5. Turnbys found and cleared.

We will be back to check out one section of drainage along the clough side, where we were told there was a drainage pipe which may need rodding, and to replace a couple of stobs on the wooden bridge.

6. Stobs by the wooden bridge
will need replacing.

Today's work was funded by individual donations to CROWS. Many thanks.