Monday, 19 December 2022


 A potential work party of six was reduced by seasonal afflictions, (viruses, slipping on ice etc) to two hardy souls.  So Linda H and Stella set off to continue work on the  path from Raw Lane East to Height Road......

.......which is here.

Having slithered on black ice yesterday, we were slithering in the mud today on this steep path. The first job was to add a step to the stile at the bottom of the hill to make it easier to negotiate.  The gradient and erosion from regular use meant that you needed very long legs to get over.  After today it will suit people who area bit shorter!

The problem

Working towards....

.....the solution

Not perfect but a lot better.

Then, because a work party is not a REAL work party without tackling a bit of drainage, we walked up to see if we could stop a stream, which crosses the path, from overflowing and running down the path, gradually washing parts away and leaving pockets of quagmire.  A bit of digging out and shoring up seemed to address the problem.  Hopefully the path below will dry out now.

 The remaining work on this path is to finish cutting back the gorse which has narrowed it to a prickly squeeze in some places.  We'll get to this in the new year.

Today's work was funded by the Tangent Club, part of Hebden Royd Rotary Club.  Thank you.