Wednesday, 20 April 2022

TODMORDEN - Butt Lane and Great Rock

The Strimming season has started! 

Thankfully CROWS is in the process of purchasing a third brush cutter and arranging appropriate strimming training for new volunteers. This should mean that we are able to cover slightly more paths in the next few months.

RJ and Fred tackled two paths today to clear them of the brambles, bracken and bilberries which were in danger of taking over the routes.

The invisible footpath

The steps and footpath now cleared

The first path to be dealt with (Todmorden 016) was off Butt Lane, off Cross Stone Road. The team sorted out the stone steps and then strimmed the pathway up to the first stile. 

The second set of paths (Todmorden 007) was near Great Rock.

Clearing the steps and track

Footpath strimmed and brambles cut back.


Today's work was funded by Todmorden Town Council. Many thanks.