Ian S, Billie, Lynda and Eleanor returned to work on this lovely but neglected footpath above the reservoir. The path is often very muddy because of water draining off the fields above.
One of the tasks was to dig a deeper channel and create a higher 'bank' of mud to dry out and protect the path from flooding.
Lynda set to and single-handed worked her way down the path
After many hours of digging out, the channel was much more functional. It is one of those jobs that will need to be re-visited each year. Meanwhile Ian, Billie and Eleanor tackled the job of replacing a very rotten footbridge which crossed a culvert further down the path.
It had disintegrated completely on one side so the first job was to clear the site and remove the debris.
In the event it came away in one piece! The ground is very soft around the culvert , so it was important to extend the length of the bridge and to secure the bridge properly.
Getting the stobs (holding posts at the side of the bridge) into the ground proved almost the hardest job because of tree roots and large stones under the surface.
Work in progress! . . . and final,y job done.......