Wednesday, 9 March 2022

CRAGG VALE - Marshaw Bank

 Marshaw Bank: erosion control

An ideal day for Frank S and Frank H to work on the footpath (Hebden Royd 116) that starts from Cragg Road and eventually reaches New Road. Fortunately we were working by Marshaw Bank Farm which meant the carrying distance (for tools and materials) from vehicle to work site was about 10 m. Hooray!

The footpath carries a lot of water during heavy rain and consequently has severe erosion problems. Today's task was to repair the surface of the path and to limit the amount of any future 'wash-down' by installing widely spaced 'steps'.

Start of session: heavy scouring
on this well-used footpath.
End of session: widely spaced steps
in place and eroded areas graded.

All-in-all a pleasing outcome that will surely limit future erosion . . . although with South Pennine levels of torrential rainfall you can never be too sure!
The cost of today's work was funded by the landowner who not only also plied us with tea and biscuits but also provided physical help - all gratefully received! Many thanks.