Friday, 25 February 2022

TODMORDEN -Gut Royd Wood

What a beautiful day for Ian V, Mick and Kasher to be working in the Upper Calder Valley! Today was a further session on the busy footpath at the edge of Gut Royd Wood. 

Earlier work: 

Previously we installed a set of new steps, completed a fence adjacent to these steps and dug the holes for a 'posts and handrail' construction. 

Today's work:

 Ian and Mick at the start of the day

In the middle of the morning

By the end of the day we had completed the second run of post and rail fencing near the new steps; had installed the handrail by the old stone steps; had tidied up the area between the new fence and the old stone steps, and had put a 'safety' post in front of the new steps. After the blood, sweat and (nearly) tears associated with putting in posts on a previous session we managed to get today's large posts in place with relative ease . . . apart from a few aching arms!

Handrail adjacent to the stone steps.
Please note that the posts are vertical!

New steps and two sets of post and rail
fences (nearly) completed.

. . . To be continued:

Next week's work will include: laying the holly (between the second fence and the stone steps) to create a 'green screen'; adding lower rails to the posts by the stone steps; improving the surface of the new steps and, finally, creating a turn-by to stop the water from the fields above flowing straight down both sets of steps. We will then move on to another footpath across this property to address issues being experienced with the use of this Right of Way. 

Materials for this work have been provided by the landowner. Many thanks.