Gut Royd Wood: fencing
Mick, Kasher, Frank H and Eunice were at the site of last weeks's work, although it should be mentioned that Eunice was not a new volunteer but the storm ('red warning' status) that was threatening parts of the UK.
However, we got the South Pennine version - a chill, blustery wind driving bursts of cold, sleety rain across the very wet, muddy, slippery woodland fringe! Conditions were not ideal! Consequently, we worked until Mick turned an interesting shade of hypothermic blue before packing up tools and retreating to warmer surroundings.
The task was to build some sections of fencing in the areas adjacent to the steps that we constructed last week. Here are some pictures of our progress:
1. Site before steps were constructed. (Steps are just visible in picture 2). |
2. This fence is to start at the hole (left foreground) and end to the left of the tree. |
3. Mick supervising while Kasher works! This section of fence is to the left of picture 1 and will protect a set of old stone steps. |
4. Location as in picture 2 but with two fence posts firmly in place. |
This was the end point for the day. Future sessions will involve putting in more posts and attaching fence rails. Additionally, in view of the considerable amount of water running off the fields and down the track, a strategically placed turn-by may be needed to divert the flow harmlessly into the woods before it reaches the new steps.
All the material for this work is being provided by the landowner. Thank you.