On a day which delivered snow, hail, sunshine, heavy showers and the most fantastic rainbow Ken and Kasher returned to the Todmorden Centenary Way below Bearnshaw Tower to try to complete the repairs of two stiles started a couple of weeks ago.
The start of the day:
Both stiles had been reported to CROWS. Ken and Kasher had worked on these a couple of weeks ago and had decided that more work was needed to make both of these safe and usable. On the lower of the two stiles, nearer Cornholme, we had agreed to fit a dog gate and a tall grab post as well as repair the legs and tread of the stile itself.
On the upper stile a new lower treadboard and new legs were needed.
Lower stile at the start of the day. |
Upper stile at the start of the day. |
At the end of the day:
The upper stile has been repaired and is now a robust two step stile.
The upper stile, hopefully completed. |
The lower stile continues to frustrate. The stile has been repaired and new legs and treads added. We have also added in a dog gate and a large grab rail. However this stile is still not the easiest one to get over and hopefully we will return to this stile at a future date to make this a "conventional" three step stile.
The lower stile: work in progress. |
Funding for this work from Todmorden Council. Many thanks.