Wednesday, 2 February 2022



Ian S, Eleanor, Paul, Nick and Billie spent the morning digging around in mud and water, which was most enjoyable! 

We worked on the path leading down to Lumb Falls. The stream had broken its banks and was running down the pathway. We managed to divert the stream off the path at several points and back into its channel and then we worked to rectify the damage the overflowing stream had done to the path. In time the path should now dry out.

We met a number of very friendly walkers throughout the morning.

Not many photos as they all looked like muddy paths . . . and the weather didn’t help!

Assessing the job
Stream running down the path

Cleared drainage channel:- water now running off the path.
The muddy drainage team! Not forgetting Paul who was behind the camera

Funded by Donations to CROWS