Wednesday, 2 February 2022


 Will Clough:

Jan L and Frank H returned to the path that rises behind the Cragg Road terrace of houses named Wilclough. The task was a continuation of the work started on 19th Jan 2022.

Start of the session:

Ignore the scruffy looking steps. They may be a future task! 

The last new post that we put in is visible at the bottom right. The next two posts are old, loose, rotten at the base and linked by a frayed 'safety' rope!
Beyond that, subsequent posts have stock fencing attached to them but it is difficult to judge whether the posts are supporting the fence or whether the fence, with a little help from the undergrowth, is supporting the posts!

Work in progress

Undergrowth has been cut back. Rotten posts have been replaced and an additional one inserted where a long section of stock fence was unsupported.

At the end post (above) the stock fence has been secured in 'traditional' fashion with each horizontal strand being taken round the post then twisted tightly around itself. There are alternatives which rely on a fastener device or on innumerable staples, but this method can be the neatest . . . and is certainly the cheapest when volunteer labour is involved!

View down the steps:

The original arrangement of posts and safety rope has been completely replaced:

75 mm diameter posts have been hammered-in (deeply!) and firmly packed.
Angled bracing rails link post to post to give integral strength and stability down the line of the posts. 

Additional struts and stobs have been fixed to the posts, as needed, to stop any possible sideways movement if walkers haul on post or rope.

The safety rope is braided polypropylene that is easy to grip and has a 'grab-knot' at the middle of each section.

Any hazards to the right (on ascent) are now much reduced and the flight can be climbed more easily. However, future work may be needed on the step treads!