Wednesday 8 September 2021


 Ray and Rich sorted out some posts that had rotted and were lying on the ground.

A bit shorter than before . . .  but better than lying on the ground under a holly bush!

'Leaning against an adjacent tree' versus 'in the ground pointing in the right directions'

This one appeared to be OK, until you looked at the back and discovered a lot of mushrooms! However, it should last a bit longer

We then went to inspect the path going up to Lower Rawtonstall (yellow on the map).

Following some near misses, Blackshaw Parish Council have convened a group to look at how to make existing mountain bike routes safer for pedestrians. CROWS contribution to this initiative is to inspect a number of local routes on the Strava app, see where the risk points are and identify what can be done to reduce the risk. From this exercise, CROWS will develop a working system for future inspections.

Today we were looking at The Bearded Lady which runs off the track to Lower Rawtonstall, down through Turret Woods.

The main problem was that there were several blind corners caused by overgrown vegetation. We were able to eliminate all of these except the forest of Himalayan Balsam towards the top of the path.

Ray doing visibility tests down the route

Route now much more visible, so fewer surprises for walkers and bikers alike

This work was funded by Blackshaw Parish Council.