Monday 7 June 2021


 Heidi, Ian S and Ian V were cutting back reeds, clearing a drainage channel and realigning the footpath near Sunny Bank above Lumb Falls. The current well-used path is not on the original line of the bridleway but passes through land being farmed. The present tenant farmer is in the process of rebuilding the boundary wall so the alignment of the path had to be moved. This meant clearing an area that was covered in reeds and general overgrowth. We cut back this growth using battery operated strimmers and hedge trimmers - and good old fashioned shears when the batteries ran out!

Before and after strimming

The original path to the right of the wall and the new alignment to the left

We also started to clear the drainage channel running down the hill. This is a job that needs to be done annually as the channel gets blocked with weeds and rocks that are washed down the channel in heavy rain.

Drainage channel being cleared - but more to do another day

This trough and stone channel were filled with weeds and mud - now operational again

A grand warm sunny day for this work. Thanks to Martha Redman and mother for allowing us to park at their farm.

This work is funded by Huddersfield University's 'Discovering Ted Hughes' project.