Monday 12 April 2021



A very muddy job today for Mick, Ian and Mo. A causey path crosses a small stream that had spread out to create deep mud for the poor walker to navigate.


We set about creating a wooden channel for the water to run through. We slipped and slid but
(luckily!) nobody fell in! We then banked up the channel on either side with earth and stone to try to ensure that the path will stay clear whatever the water flow. 

The finished product looked good - well it will once all the mud on either side has dried out! However, we were all absolutely filthy so had to strip our outer clothes before driving home. 
One interesting event - whilst eating lunch, a ginger coloured bee with an impressive proboscis and long wings joined us. We had never seen one before. We are still investigating . . . and no we didn't take a picture. It was photo-shy and flew off just before Mo pressed the button!.

Work funded by Todmorden Town Council.