Friday 30 October 2020



 Todmorden - above Ashenhurst Road

Frank S, Frank H, and Mick were out today on the hillside above Ashenhurst Road. 

From the top of Ashenhurst Road there are two paths - one to the east towards Harley Wood and one to the west towards Hole Bottom. We've been to the eastern one several times in recent years to clear the vegetation and sort out the drainage. This time we were back in the bramble thicket near the road. 

Here's Frank H starting to widen the way through.

This is a view of one of the drainage channels that we dug in previous years - there's not much left to see!

There was still water trickling through the channel, but much was spreading onto the path making the route very muddy. Here's a 'work in progress' picture of a widened path and a cleared channel. 


And here's where the second drainage channel was ....

Some time later: A channel has been cut - it goes much further back into the undergrowth. The amount of flow is difficult to judge from the picture but it is significant. It is now running down the channel rather than spreading over the path. Some stonework has been added to make a step-over point. 

We have hopes that the path will now dry out but given the considerable quantity of water coming down the hillside, these hopes are limited! More serious drainage work may be needed.

However, by the end of the session we appeared to have made a difference!

The path is now wider. Water is being channeled away rather than spreading and the path surface has a chance of drying out.
All we need is some sunshine. Mmm! Pity about the forecast!