Friday, 29 May 2020


Our work in the Upper Calder Valley continues to be very limited. CROWS members out on walks have been noting any issues such as wear and tear on stiles, rampant undergrowth blocking paths, and, unfortunately, wilful vandalism - marker poles broken and waymark discs damaged. We hope to get back to doing some work later in June.
Meanwhile, here are a few photographs starting with socially-distancing Swallows - a good example of responsibility to us all!

Just about two metres! Swallows in Todmorden.
(Photo courtesy of LH)

The rest of wildlife whether insect, bird or mammal seems to be perpetually hungry

Bee on nectar hunt!
Starling - the messiest of feeders!

Thanks mother! Hungry foal in Todmorden.
(photo courtesy of MB)
More next week ... provided wildlife condescends not to move as it is being photographed. Mmm! Some hopes!