Friday, 20 March 2020

SLACK, path down into the Crags

Virus warnings and other emergencies led to a smaller team out today.  Ken preserved his distance by working alone in the depot and Paul and Ian S. took to the hills and continued work on steps at Stephenson House.
Mo and Ginny worked on the path from Slack (at junction of Widdop turnoff) down into the Crags.
First task was to put in a waymark post at the top of the woodland.

Heading downwards, we appreciated the work Paul and Stella had already done on this path as the start of it was now almost dry.  Not so further down, however; there was a lot of mulch to clear and holly to cut back.

(The clean stones are actually the top of the wall where people had been walking)

After much hard labour the stone path was uncovered. Hopefully this will now dry out, but there is more still to be done!


Paul and Ian cut new path alongside existing path that had been severely damaged by floodwater erosion. More work to be done on this...(funded by Wadsworth Camera Club).


Paul and Ian completed repair work to a stile at the bottom of the steps on a permissive path that runs adjacent to Stephenson House: