Monday 17 June 2019


Bernard, Heidi and Ginny returned to the path cleared previously in order to add waymarks. At the start of the path going up behind the house at Overwood, the route is not easy to see and walkers often stand around looking confused. A new marker post now shows the way.

We then found an old marker post buried in the undergrowth, so we re-installed it and painted the tops to make the path direction obvious.

Will see it from miles away!

The third post we installed made people aware of the footpath, half-way up the hill, which leads to Walshaw.

In the afternoon, joined by Rich and Lynda, we moved further up the path to work on the bog that had spread out from the wall higher up the hillside

A quagmire
 We split into two groups; one working on the origin of the problem higher up and the other on the path itself
Working out what to do on the path
 The stone-edging of the path was revealed which hopefully will allow the water on the path to drain off.
Ginny finding a central channel

The water has really spread out

By excavating under the wall, Bernard managed to find the original field-drain. Both the drain and it's exit channel were cleared and re-dug.

The exit of the old field-drain reconstructed

Putting in stone edges to the channel

Water flowing nicely:- exactly where it should!

We will return in a few weeks, when the path should have dried out, so we can consolidate the channels.

This work was funded by National Trust access path project