Wednesday 14 November 2018


Despite the closure of the road between Hebden and Todmorden, we managed two teams today.

Rich and Bernard did the last day on the Pennine Way at Winters.

The steps are now all filled in.
These should last a long time!

The path going off the Pennine Way has a very, very steep drop (on risk assessment form), so we installed a low barrier.

That's where you would end up if you fell off the path

Low barrier installed to keep people away from the edge
Pennine Way work is funded by Calderdale Council Highways.

Stella, Stuart, Gerald, Richard J, Fred and Graham went to Hardcastle Crags ........

This work is funded by the National Trust

Stella and Graham fitted 3 waymark posts.

Gerald and Stuart fitted a waymark post and cleared a long section of path.

Fred and Richard J constructed a flight of steps on the steep hillside.