Friday 17 August 2018


Rich, Bernard, Ian, Ginny and Gerald tackled several jobs below Winters

PENNINE WAY (3 jobs)
1. The initial stone-setted section was cut back and the surface scraped.

Now a good surface and not being attacked by brambles
 2. A waymark post was put in at the Junction with the old Winters path

3. The steep slippery slope below was measured and checked to see how we can put in a set of steps

This path runs from a bend in the track and clearly was the old route from Jumble Hole Mills, Underbank and Winters (all originally owned by the Horsfall family)
The path was cut back in 2016 but was now completely overgrown.

The first section before clearing

Further on
Difficult to get through

dodgy section

The far end
 The deterioration could be because the path is not waymarked at one end and the finger post at the other end was heavily obscured by trees. So...

A waymark post was put in at the junction of the Pennine Way (see above)

Half way along at a junction, a waymark post was put in.

The finger post at far end (next to the main track to Winters) had rotted off so has been re-sited in a more obvious position.

So at least people will know this lovely old path is there!

Meanwhile the path was cleared of vegetation and overhanging trees (no mean feat!)

This is the first section (before is above photo)
The far end, showing what an important path this was.

More 'before' and 'after' photos:




With a bit of time to spare, we went down the stone-setted path to the derelict house called Higgins, cutting back the brambles on the way.

Finally Ginny made a bid for freedom and went off cutting back the Pennine Way down to Mount Olivet Chapel.