Friday, 31 July 2015

I like the last picture - a new career beckons, modelling for a workwear clothing catalogue!

Two teams today (with Mick as absentee work party leader)
Location: Mankinholes
CROWS: Gerald Ruth and Linda
Task: cutting back a number of paths in the area,

Location : Frieldhurst Road, Cornholme, Todwalks eTrail
CROWS : Richard P, Ginny, Peter and Terry
Task : Drainage in two spots on path.

The basic problem was that although the ground was very soggy underfoot we couldn't find the source of the water. This whole area between the fence and the wall we think was originally a track up to the farm house (now in ruins) as we hit bedrock in a number of places.

As the area had got boggy walkers had made alternative paths and placed stones into the muddy areas as stepping stones.

We decided that creating a large drainage channel into which other smaller channels would feed run-off was the best solution. It also gave us an opportunity to re-route the footpath.

The second area of drainage was thought to be a result of water running underground from here. However, it was found that this water ran off to the side and wasn't the cause of the problem.

It did however exit around a large stone which had been placed as a stepping stone. This area was excavated and the water channelled downhill and away from the path.

Eventually channelled under the fence into the field below.

Peter was determined to find the source of the whole problem so climbed the hill to where a small trickle of water seemed to appear from the hillside.

On excavating more we found where the water ran over what we think was a silt trap from which the water flowed through a plastic pipe (to where we do not know). We unblocked the entrance to the silt trap and re-routed the water into it. In theory the water will no longer just make its won way down the hillside.

To encourage people back onto the footpath we widened and levelled a track.........................

..............and took it down a couple of steps to the stone channelled drainage ditch we started with.

Richard wanted me to include this picture to show how muddy he (we) had got.