Saturday, 25 January 2025


Two reported fallen trees across paths were visited by Ian Clarkson and Rich. Intermittent snow showers not the exact forecast for the day! Today's work was funded by donations to CROWS.


A large branch had come adrift - delicately balanced on a nearby tree.

First saw all the ends of the tree to lessen the weight.

Then deal with the main trunk -  easy when you are working with someone who knows what they are doing!


 Finally roll the lengths of trunk off the path, now safe to walk on.

 Then, on to Crow Nest Road

A large beech tree had fallen across the track (Stella demonstrating dimensions last week). 

Again, first remove the tree top (out of photo) and then tackle the main trunks.

Finally cut back nearer to the root ball

Plenty of room to walk past and it is stable.