Friday 1 November 2024

Return to Coney Garth footpath

Jerry and Angus returned to attend to the stile on this footpath where Jerry had previously dismantled a fallen tree. The stile had survived but the supporting posts had rotted so attention was required.

Map showing the location of the damaged stile.

The stile looking down the path with debris from the fallen tree on the right.

The stile from below - both vertical posts rotted out at their base.

We reviewed the location of the stile and its relevance to the path and the adjacent farmland. We spoke with the landowner regarding livestock in the area and decided that the stile was no longer required as walkers were bypassing it through a gap next to the drystone wall. We decided to remove it and, as there was a significant step down on the lower side, inserted a couple of steps where the path led down into the valley.

The completed job looking back up the path towards Coney Garth.