Kasher, Gareth and RJ spent the morning constructing a new boardwalk, allowing walkers a flat and easy route along a previously slippery stretch of hillside.
On a popular route from Shore New Road through Obadiah Wood towards Shore Chapel, this stretch of path is particularly treacherous to navigate after wet weather. Previous visits by CROWS seeking to improve the drainage have not completely solved the problem. The new boardwalk will be joined later in the week by some steps, a revetment and a second stretch of boardwalk, all of which will be welcomed by the many walkers we met today!
Today’s work was funded by Active Calderdale. Many thanks to AC . . . and we enjoyed meeting Emma who popped along to visit while we were working!
The location for today’s work - Obadiah Wood above Cornholme.
RJ and Kasher survey the site. Slopier and slippier than it looks!
Digging a flatter section into the hillside allows the frame of the boardwalk to be laid flat.
RJ knocks a “stob” into place to help secure the new boardwalk and stop it slipping from its new location.
Kasher fixes the cross-treads in place.
Gareth (principal photographer) secures the edge trims as the final stage.