Friday 4 October 2024


 There were three teams out from Todmorden today:

Team 1: Andrew and Neil Mc: installing the new three-way marker post on Whirlaw Common at the junction of the bridleways Tod 019 and Tod 017 (to indicate the directions of the CW and the TCW). We also checked out a nearby stile which will need repairing.

Team 2: Catherine and Mick: see separate post 

Team 3: Ian V and Kasher: cutting back and path widening on Tod 029 down from Scrapers Lane.  We also spent time scraping a few years worth of leaf mold off the narrow sunken path and made some improvements to the bridge over Bent Clough.

Many thanks to the residents of Windy Harbour Farm for both storing the marker post for a week and for allowing CROWS to park two vehicles in their stable yard.

We will be back in Bents Wood/Ridge Wood (hopefully next week) to improve the pathway near the fallen tree and to continue the path widening.

We will also return to the intersection of the CW and TCW to improve the drainage along the causey stones.

Today's work was funded by Todmorden Town Council and also by a generous donation from friends and family of Tim Mihailovic.  Many thanks.

Thanks also go to the provider of the very yummy chocolate birthday cake (with smarties)!

Tod 029 off Scrapers Lane.

The location of the new marker post at the junction
of Tod 017 and Tod 019.

Team 1

Location of new three-way finger post above Todmorden.

Neil M and Andrew... and the post!

The post with its dedication plaque now attached.

Team 3: 

Ian V cutting back along Tod 029.

Path widening (just before a large root ball from 
a fallen tree).

Clearing the path of low hanging branches.

Found during our coffee stop: an Amethyst Deceiver (I think)

It's amazing what you find in old woodlands...