Friday 30 August 2024


 A number of tasks were completed in Todmorden over the last few days:

1)    Re-erecting the Open Access notice board on Inchfield Moor. The holes for the legs of this noticeboard were dug last week. (Gareth, David and Kasher)

2)    Completing the replacement of steps on Todmorden 035 off Shaw Wood Road. (Mick and Ian V)

3)    Cutting-back Todmorden 175 above Woodhouse Mill and alongside the old tip. (GarethDavid and Kasher). The blackberries here are ready! Go and pick this weekend!

 After a dearth of walkers in the last few weeks several were spotted today. Is this to to do with the location of our work parties . . . or is it just the sunny weather?

Today's activities were funded by Todmorden Town Council. Many thanks.

Site of Open Access info board.

Step repairs on Tod 035.

Cutting back on Tod 175.

Notice Board on Inchfield Moor:

This is the photo for the next "Caption Competition"......

David and Gareth: the proud installers of the
Open Access Info board.

The newly fettled board . . .  bets are still being placed
as to how long this will last in this position. The cows 
on Inchfield Moor just love a good scratching post!

Path Clearance:

Lots of brambles and balsam . . . and even some Japanese
Knotweed (which was not cut).

Gareth trying to avoid damaging the prime blackberries.

Step repairs:

Mick sorting out the irregular steps on this route.

Steps replaced and infilled.