Wednesday 28 August 2024



Nick, Paul and new volunteer Guy were out today installing a flight of steps on a permissive path that is accessed from Walker Lane and skirts downhill by Martin Mill, to Ibbotroyd Clough. A step stile at the access point from the road had been repaired recently but the steep incline from this structure is hazardous and quite treacherous for walkers. The landowner gave permission for a new flight of steps to be installed here to ensure safe passage. This path is well used by local people walking to and from Hebden Bridge via Nutclough.

Work funded by an anonymous donor - thank you.

site map

Work Undertaken

The plan was to start the flight of steps from the side of the 'stile platform' in view of its height at the front end. The new steps would wind around and downhill from this point. 

The 'before' photo.

Getting the first four steps in position.

Guy and Paul measured out and installed the first four steps while Nick cut back the path lower down.
You can see from the photo the path gradient in relation to the level risers with the gap below that will need filling in later.

Guy having a breather after carrying infill.

Two additional steps were added by Paul and Nick and two lengths of timber nailed onto the step sides. This latter part of the construction will box in the steps and keep the infill in place. Finding infill was a problem solved by the landowner who allowed us to use a pile of rubble and soil he had discarded by his property. Guy was at hand to fill a number of sacks and trugs, and with Nic's assistance, carry the load downhill to the site.

The box structure to fill in!

Filled in

Following a lot of team work we managed to complete the first part of the flight though some additional landscaping around the sides will be done next time.

Looking good from the top end!

We will return next week to continue the flight of steps downhill. In addition Nick and Guy in turn cut back and, in places, widened the path further down the slope to the woods.

Widening and cutting back.

A positive start made today. The story continues next week!