Friday 5 July 2024


There were two teams out from Todmorden today:

Team 1:    RJ and David continued strimming the Pennine Bridleway (PBW) - this time in Bottomley.

Team 2:    Catherine and Kasher spent the day clearing up a number of minor but essential tasks.

Strimming: Bottomley Road.

Clearing the small path near Daisy Bank, Blackshaw Head.

CROWS have again been 'contracted' to strim sections of the Pennine Bridleway in the Upper Calder Valley. 

Today's work has been funded by Lancashire County Council (for the work on the PBW) with all other activities funded by Todmorden Harriers Flower Scar Fell Race 2024. Many thanks.


Team 1:  RJ and David were faced with very high vegetation on Bottomley Road (Tod 198) and also on the opposite side of the main road (on Tod 144 and Tod BW143). We will return, next week, to complete the last 100 m or so of the bridleway. These strimmed routes will be very well used by the participants in the forthcoming 'Todmorden Boundary Walk'.

The start of the strimming day. Note the 
red warning flags which are used to alert
oncoming walkers. The yellow/green flag
(just visible) is a route marker for the
Todmorden Boundary Walk.

Bottomley Road strimmed.

Richard strimming in Bottomley.

A great day to be out in fantastic countryside.

Team 2:    Catherine and Kasher again fought the hordes of midges and cut back a small path near Daisy Bank, off the Long Causeway, in Blackshaw Head (Blackshaw 044). We then moved on to replace a number of fingerpost "flags"; replace waymark disks (that had somehow disappeared!); clear vegetation from wayside marker posts; reposition wayward marker posts and clear the vegetation from around an interesting 'double' stile.

Catherine trying to find BS BW044.

Catherine cutting-back on the steps above
the bridge over Daisy Bank Clough.
(both the steps and the bridge were built by CROWS).

Re-dowelling fingerpost "flags".

Stabilising a well-weathered