Wednesday, 24 July 2024

HEBDEN BRIDGE - Paths around Dodd Naze

After several discussions with local residents and Hurst Meadow people, Billie, Frank S, Ginny and Rich went to do two jobs:

  • waymark the main paths on the North side of the Dodd Naze estate which have seen less use recently because of the considerable overgrowth and the lack of clear waymarking. 
  • clear the path down to High Hirst Meadow to maintain the disabled access

By the end of the day we had put in four waymark posts and cut back the vegetation at the 'entrances' to three of the paths.

Ginny single-handedly cleared the path down to High Hirst Meadow, revealing the full original width. 

Today's work was funded by a individual donation to CROWS.

The details

The path reduced by turf to half the previous width ...
Ginny at work with the shears ...

... the path now wider and with a new waymark post.

The next path overgrown with raspberries, etc. ...

... now opened up and given a new waymark post.

The third path beside the overgrown picnic table.

The table now cleared . . . and being put to use.

An overgrown bench awaiting a visit with the brush cutter.

Next steps:

We will come back with brush cutters in a few weeks (after nesting will be over) and clear all the paths making them much wider. We will also carryout improvements on the path down to Birchcliffe. 

The aim then is to create a partnership between High Hirst Meadow and local residents to ensure these paths stay open by cutting them back these paths twice a year.