Saturday 22 June 2024


 There were three teams out from Todmorden today:

Team 1: In amazingly sunny conditions, Mick and Catherine went to Todmorden Moor to re-instate marker posts for the Todmorden Centenary Way and the Todmorden Moor Geology Trail. (see map 05/01/2024)

Team 2: Ken and Andrew returned to complete the work of a fortnight ago on the stile at Royd (on Todmorden 028 - see map 08/06/2024)

Team 3: Jerry and Kasher completed the fourth and final session on the steps off Allescholes Road (on Todmorden 141 - see map 12/06/2024)

Today's work has been funded by Reaps Moss Community Benefit Fund (for the work on Todmorden Moor) and by Todmorden Town Council. Many thanks.


Team 1: Posts were installed on this route earlier in the year. However, during a recent walk across the moor to plan a new map for the Todmorden Geology Trail (the leaflet is soon to be re-published) it was found that many of the posts had been knocked out of position (again!) by the hefty cattle that graze this area. Funds have been provided by Reaps Moss Community Benefit Fund, to assist with the fettling of this route and the publication of the leaflet - tasks which we hope will be completed over the next few months.

On the 'still to do list'  is: a) complete the re-positioning of the posts; b) clean all of the information boards and c) repaint post tops white (Geology Trail) or blue (Bridleway) or yellow (Footpath).

Re-instating the marker posts for the bridleway and the
Geology Trail. White and blue bands needed on this one!

Mick . . . and a bridleway post
which needs a 'blue' repaint. 

Team 2: The dilapidated condition of the stile at Royd has long since been reported to CROWS. We were not able to carry out a rebuild over the winter months because of the appalling ground conditions . . . think,  mud and slurry! However, this week, Andrew and Ken were able to complete the stile and add a dog-gate. Fortunately, after a serious stint of hole digging and post sorting they could retreat to a small patch of shade! 

This rebuild passed the 'user-friendly test' when, just before the end of the session, the first canine visitor (and accompanying human) appeared . . . unfortunately the photographers weren't quick enough!

The stile: before!

Ken re-positioning the temporary
cross-rails which were fitted
on the previous session.

The dog-gate being installed.

The completed stile with cautionary sign.

Stress test. Will it take Andrew's weight?
Never in doubt!

Team 3: The tasks today were to install three more steps (bringing the total of new steps up to 22). Additionally, the fencing above the revetment just below the first section of steps, was made secure and, lower down the slope, a yellow-topped marker post was installed to clarify the path direction.

A section of the new steps and the secured fence.

A marker post at the start of the footpath.

The team then moved on to Langfield Common to re-erect a finger post on the bridleway above 'The Shepherds' Rest'. This is a temporary measure pending a complete replacement (The post itself has been broken so many times by back-scratching cattle that it is now too low to be an effective finger post, although the 'flags' are in good enough condition to be reused).

Jerry digging the hole for the
ever-shortening finger post.