Monday 27 May 2024


 Jerry and Rich went to put in a boardwalk across a very wet piece of ground close to Moorcock Farm. A late start, to wait for the rain to pass over, proved to be a wise choice in this very exposed location. 

The work today was funded by Calderdale Ramblers and friends and family of Tim Mihailovik. Many thanks.

The details

Between the stile and the existing boardwalk - it's wet. Very wet!

 The first job was to take out the old rotted 'sleeper' and cut back the sedge. 

Stringers put in position

Stringer secured by stobs and cross-treads added

Staples nailed in to improve grip

The end product

We have done work before, further along this path, to control the water near a section of old  boardwalks. By-and-large this work has been successful, but another visit for 'more of the same' is planned.