Catherine and Neil M. returned to Obadiah Wood near Cornholme to continue improvements to the drainage on path Todmorden 060 and its eastward continuation.
Starting from the Shore Road end, we first came to the major channel, developed by CROWS teams over the years,across a bend in the path. This is working well in the current wet weather. However, a short stretch immediately East of this remains a mudbath and we saw no easy solution.
One problem solved |
Another problem - Mmm! - not solved! |
Moving on, we tackled some lesser drainage issues along the path. Then, coming to the footbridge across Wittonstall Clough, we made run-offs for the muddy water that was engulfing the planks leading up to the bridge.
After the bridge there were several turnbyes and overflowing culverts that needed clearing, to prevent their water from flowing down the path. Hopefully there remains just the one stretch that's likely to need more extensive work.