Shore Green - an escalating task!
Kasher and Frank H went to the triple junction of footpath Todmoden 060 for the straightforward task of replacing the closure-post of an existing gate.
The arrow marks the spot! |
Blue skies, a light breeze and swallows swooping overhead provided idyllic conditions for the simple job of replacing a post. Mmm! Closer inspection revealed that Plan A had to be modified in favour of Plan B . . . then Plan C . . . then Plan D because:
*the hinge-post was loose and tilting too far out of the vertical.
*the closure-post had collapsed and the attached stock fence would have to be de-stapled.
*the gap between hinge-post and a wall needed a series of short cross-rails.
*the remnants of the closure-post needed digging out and its replacement re-positioning to be in line with the hinge-post.
*digging post holes would be seriously hampered by remnants of a drystone wall.
*a gate paling (of cross-section no longer available!) needed replacing
Wow! It was going to be a long, hard session . . . and had we got enough equipment?
The work was funded by the landowner. Many thanks.
The detail
Work commenced with much discussion but after few false starts we pitched into a repair task that seemed to double as the sort of upper body workout only available in the more exclusive type of gym!
1. Misaligned gate and hinge-post; missing closure-post . . . and a lot of drystone wall. |
2. A start being made on excavating the hole for the new closure-post - the deeper, the better! |
3. The painstaking job of de-stapling the old stock fence. |
4. New closure post in place. Old hinge post (with gate attached) has been dug out and re-packed. Both post are vertical. Frank is refitting and re-tensioning the stock fence. |
5. Old gate, new closure-post and drilling taking place to refit the old closure hook. |
6. End of session: old gate and posts refurbished and re-positioned. |
There is still some work to do. More cross-rails (to right of picture) are needed, the closure-post requires a 'top cap', the central paling needs replacing, a closure loop might be useful, some 'landscaping'/tidying is needed and a coat of timber preservative would also be useful . . .
. . . Here's how the continuation session went (done on the following day):
7. Damaged paling being removed |
8. New paling being fitted. |
9. Extra side-rails being prepared. One rail was anchored to the wall to act as a 'tie' for the hinge-post. |
10. Gate and posts structurally completed with a difficult to miss closure loop . |
11. One coat of timber preservative |
12. More of the same but a good view (from the down-slope side) of the (nearly) finished structure. |
It's always good to have a reminder of the state that this gate was in yesterday morning . . . and here it is . . . !
13. Old gate with multiple structural issues seen from up-slope side. |
Very obvious . . . 'WET PAINT' 'signs'. |