Friday 26 April 2024


 Five people were out today in fine weather . . . for a change! - Angus, Linda, Jak, Jerry and Graham L.

Job One   

Woodhead near Krumlin

Jerry, Jak and Linda worked on this lovely path that runs from the beautiful hamlet of Woodhead down a steep sided clough. It had been reported as being blocked by a large tree, and sure enough ....

Before the tree can be  removed there was a lot of brash to be cut back around the tree

and on the path leading down to it...... It is now in a state that when a couple of people return next week with the chain saw they will be able to access the site more easily and remove the tree from the path, making it accessible once more.

Job Two  Cottonstones, the path behind the Alma Pub

Graham and Angus went to do further work on this challenging path and were joined by the others when they'd finished at Woodhead. Anyone who knows this path will know how wet it is so they concentrated on drainage 

...... gradually it seems to be drying out but no doubt we will be back. A nice view of Cottonstones church in the background.

This work is funded by a grant from Ripponden Parish Council and generous individual donations . We are grateful to all.