Friday, 12 April 2024


 "Walks around Pecket Well" leaflet Launch:

On Monday CROWS volunteers met up with Rachel Stott from Wadsworth Walking Market, Matt the Landlord of the Robin Hood Inn and local resident Christine Jackson to officially launch the new Pecket Well Village walks leaflet. 
The freshly printed leaflet is the latest in a series of village walks printed by Friends of Calderdale's Countryside (FoCC). Richard Thurlow from FoCC along with CROWS members Paul Degnan and Ginny Feeney devised the three walks in the leaflet and Wadsworth Walking Market donated a generous grant to fund the footpath repairs carried out by CROWS volunteers on the walk routes.
The three walks of varying lengths all start at the Robin Hood Inn where you can purchase a copy for £1. The leaflet is also on sale at Old Town Post Office and Hebden Bridge Town Hall.
A big thank you to all involved!
Launch photo at the Robin Hood Inn

Leaflet on sale at Old Town shop