Friday, 2 February 2024


 There were three teams out from Todmorden today:

1)     Neil Mc and David were continuing the work on the Calderdale Way (Tod 024), adjacent to Todmorden Golf Club, to complete the boardwalk and build a set of steps.

2)     Ginny, Catherine and Kasher were working in Haugh Wood to improve the drainage on Tod 177. They then moved to Grey Stone Lane (Tod 011) to continue the drainage work along this well-used route.

3)    Gareth and Mick, after acting as Sherpas for Neil and David, went to look at a couple of jobs on the Tod "to do" list. They then went to Badger Wood to replace (again) the yellow-topped posts going through the wood on Tod 160.


1)     Last Friday a CROWS team started to construct a boardwalk on the CW near Hole 6 of Tod Golf Club. Neil and David returned today to add the trim to the boardwalk and to construct a number of steps. 

We will need to have one final session on this boardwalk to add the kickboards, add one more step, and add the sides to the steps.

The boardwalk and steps (1).

The boardwalk and steps (2).

2)    On 5 January Ian and Rich P went to Haugh Wood to clear a fallen tree. Since then, further clearance has taken place. Today's team worked on the drainage on this track, to deepen turnbys and clear drains so that the large amount of water coming off the hillside could be directed off the track and down the drains.

The route cleared and the water now channelled
into a number of turnbys and drains.

Drainage channels disrupted by the 
fallen trees.

Ginny and Catherine on Grey Stone Lane.

3)    CROWS  have worked on the bridge leading into Badger Wood and have previously way-marked this route. Unfortunately the marker posts seem to have disappeared (again!). We will need to see if there are better ways of indicating the correct route through the wood. We installed a couple of posts today but a longer term solution is needed.

New marker posts in Badger Wood.

Today's work has been funded by Calderdale Ramblers and by individual donations to CROWS. Many thanks.