Wednesday 15 November 2023

TODMORDEN -Langfield Common

It was a day for which the forecasters had predicted poor weather . . . they were wrong! The weather was awful! Despite this, Ian V and Kasher walked up from The Shepherds Rest to Gaddings Dam then along the Warland Reservoir path carrying a large measuring stick, a number of poles, notices and associated equipment. Mmm! Heroic!

After last weeks look at the problems associated with this path, it was agreed that we might have to seek expert opinion. However, as a preliminary we needed to measure the depth of the mire to test whether it would be possible to install a boardwalk above the stable but deeply sunken flagstones along this route.

We went equipped with a 12 ft pole to probe the depth of the peat and mud in this area. Near the causey stones, at the beginning of the very boggy area, the pole went down 9-10 ft without hitting any obstruction! We were able to locate some of the missing causey stones but these were well below the surface of the mud and peat.

As a precaution we have put up 4 more warning notices near the area where the path 'disappears'. It is, however, possible to get around this bog if a wide detour is taken on the LHS when walking from Gaddings towards Warland. We are not sure how long these notices will last so please let us know if/ when they go 'AWOL' and we will replace them.

We will discuss options with a number of interested people and organisations before trying to come up with plan A . . . and its alphabetical friends . . . plan B and plan C!

Today's expedition was funded by Little Box Consulting Ltd. Many thanks.

Ian starting to plumb the depths!

Wish we had brought a longer pole.

Posts and notices in place.

The disappearing flagstones and the
ever enlarging bog! Keep clear!