Wednesday 1 November 2023

TODMORDEN - Above Meadow Bottom

 RJ and Kasher had a day of completing small tasks and sorting out details for jobs to be done over the next few months.  The car was ladened with everything except the kitchen sink but we needed all but the strimmers!

1)    Repairs to the stile on the Calderdale Way (CW) at the bottom of Tod Golf Course (Tod 024).

2)    Measuring up for a possible boardwalk on Tod Golf Course because the route of the CW has changed slightly. It now crosses a stream and is near two new springs that recent heavy rainfall has created.

3)     Waymarking and cutting back near Ratcher House on Tod 028.

4)     Waymarking on Tod 029.

5)    Surveying at Royd Farm for the repair of a stile on Tod 028; a task for the Spring once ground conditions have improved.

Today's tasks have been funded by Little Box Consulting Ltd. Many thanks


The repaired stile on the CW.

Waymarking at Ratcher House.

RJ installing the new marker post.

RJ on the cut-back track.

Stile to be repaired at Royd Farm.

Waterlogged field adjacent to the Royd Farm stile!