Wednesday 4 October 2023

CRAGG VALE - Castle Gate Dam Part 1

The footbridges on the path around Castle Gate Dam have deteriorated and will be replaced. The work will take place during the next two weeks, so for a time the path will be closed. 

Today's work was to clear step and path access to the two footbridges that are earmarked for replacement.

This work is being funded by HEC contractors, Cragg Vale Community Association, Hebden Royd Town Council, and a legacy from life-long rambler Gerald Hardwick. Many thanks.

The detail

An enthusiastic gang of Andrew, Paul and Frank H worked on both ends of the damside path to cut-back overgrowth, scrape mulch from the surfaces, repair damaged steps and clear vegetation from around the two footbridges to create safer access and working spaces for the forthcoming construction tasks.

Here's a few pictures of our progress . . . although it has to be said that cleared paths are low on the visual excitement scale!

i) Towards the downstream footbridge:

It's a jungle. There are steps . . .  somewhere!

The clearance begins . . . at the top!

. . . and at the bottom!

. .  . and in the middle!

Now much easier for access!

We were working so hard that we failed to get a picture of the replaced steps and of the area cleared around the footbridge! Whoops! However, this footbridge is the shorter of the two but will need handrails on both sides because of the long, long drop into a muddy stream bed! 

ii) Towards the upstream footbridge

Path edges cleared of overgrowth and
four old steps being replaced. A very
neat job by Andrew and Paul.

Meanwhile, Frank cut-back and scraped
the path leading to the longer footbridge
(one side-post of which is just visible) . . .

. . .  and here it is. Not quite the near-death experience
it appears to be - 85 kg of Frank negotiated it
quite safely - but swinging on the handrail is not

This footbridge is the longer of the two and will also be completely replaced but with a hand rail on one side.
It was a day of hard work in a sheltered location. Ground conditions were amenable, the tasks were straightforward and the only excitement was caused by a wasp that took a dislike to Andrew and gave him a sting. This is the culprit - the common wasp (Vespula vulgaris) - although Andrew is sure it was much bigger!

Fortunately there was no severe reaction (although the wasp may have died!) but it's a scenario to mention during the CROWS' first-aid training sessions. 
More next week - if it stays fine!