Friday 25 August 2023

TODMORDEN - Gauxholme

This job resulted from a report by a walker of a problematic stile. We rebuilt this stile to our standard specification. The task force was Ken, Neil Mc., and Neil M., with transport assistance by Mick, and the task was funded by Todmorden Town Council.

The location was above Gauxholme, the stile giving access to a branch of path reference Todmorden 112, where it meets a track from the valley bottom at Mona's Terrace leading to Law Hey Farm and Naze Road.


The details

The stile as we found it was just a step across a wire fence with only loose fenceposts to hold on to.

We decided that this step was not in an adequate condition around which to build a new structure. It didn't take long to disassemble and extract it.

Next we set about installing two new steps to reduce the height gained per step. The digging was not the easiest due to the high concentration of big and small stones in the ground.

Spoil from one posthole

Then we sited the posts to each side (uprights). As normal, one of these is a tall one to provide a good handhold.

Once the uprights had been sunk, we attached the crosspieces: one, two, three. And the new stile was christened by a hooded CROW.

While this work was under way, one of us went a few yards further along the track to re-embed a loose marker post, which points the way northeast off the track to the nearby junction with Path 113.