Tuesday 25 July 2023


Trish, Lynda and Eleanor took advantage of the fine weather to continue clearing and widening the steps that drop down steeply into Mill Bank Village.

The gate at the bottom of the very narrow steps was difficult to open, so the first job was to clear away the bracken.

Soon done . . . and the way was clear.

There are a lot of steps which, despite the footfall, have become very overgrown.

Trish and Lynda working from the top. It was a slow but very rewarding job as the width and depth of these beautiful steps was gradually revealed.

 Trish had also worked on steps further down. 

We reckon one more day to finish the steps. Next time we do this job, we'll bring more volunteers!

This work was funded by a grant from Ripponden Parish Council and individual donations. Thank you.