Wednesday, 13 April 2022



Paul and Ian V were out and about in Old Town doing several small jobs and surveying other work that needs to be done.

First of all, near Far Nook, we replaced a direction post that had rotted at the base and fallen over.

The rotten post and path leading up to the Calderdale Way

Paul showing off the brand new yellow top post

We then cut back the heather and brush, and widened the path leading up to the Calderdale Way. 

The steep and narrow path

After cutting back and widening the path

After clearing this path, we surveyed and measured three stiles and a revetment that need to be constructed or repaired; cleared a tree that had blown over in a storm, and righted a direction post that had been knocked over.

One of the stiles on the Calderdale Way that needs improving - a job for another work party.

The work today was funded by contributions from Wadsworth residents. Thanks.