Wednesday, 27 April 2022


 Lots of us out today clearing various "small" jobs which have hung around too long!

Ginny & Stella went to Crimsworth Dean to try and improve the route of an old causey path sinking into a quagmire.  Masses of digging out, masses of mud. No pictures of us actually doing the work as we were too mud-encrusted to use the camera on the phone.  But here is it is before and after.

This work was funded by donations to CROWS.  Thank you.

The location - lovely path up Crimsworth Dean

The Problem

If this is what it was like after 6 weeks of no rain,
just imagine it in a wet winter!


Stones scraped off and a ditch dug at the side
to take any flowing water

Path widened towards the wall and away from the bog
to provide a drier walking line