Two teams out in this area.
Neil and Lynda were working on the steps behind Underbank House - finishing off last week's work.
The bottom section of the steps before starting |
Work completed |
At the bottom the link to the steps was very overgrown with holly.
Route all cleared |
We may need to visit this section again as the slope below the holly has become quite slippery.
Work funded by donations to CROWS.
Further up the hillside Billie and Rich were dealing with a lethal slope by taking some of the steepness out by putting in 'landings'.
Preliminary positioning of the landings |
The final result (until we come back to check whether it is adequate!) |
Further on there was some path widening and levelling.
Finishing touches |
Four very appreciative regular walkers of this path volunteered to report back on our work and even said they would be making a donation!
This work was funded by a local landowner.