Prior to the work:
The revetments, stobs and one large step needed to be replaced. All the steps, and the steps slightly higher up the hillside which were built last year, needed to be filled with stone. The stream under the boardwalk/bridge needed to be cleared (again!) and water which was seeping onto the steps from the hillside above needed to be redirected.
The work:
Rotten revetments were replaced and a new step was created. The steps were all packed with stone cleared out from the nearby stream which usefully increased the clearance of the boardwalk/bridge above the stream. The gully adjacent to the stream was also deepened to, hopefully, minimize the seepage of water onto the steps. A few small trees which had come down in recent high winds were also cleared from the nearby path.
The completed steps are now safe to use and the trip hazards of old revetments and collapsing steps have been removed. Infilling of these steps and those higher up the hillside has been completed.
Thankfully this normally busy path was relatively quiet today with only one walker having to negotiate the repair works on the steps.