Monday 17 January 2022



This lovely airy path runs northwest from Heptonstall along the top of the Eaves Wood escarpment, with a steep drop to one side.  Over time the path has narrowed and crept closer to the edge.  In places it traverses patches of rough bedrock which slope towards the drop, the worst of which we dubbed "the Hillary Step".

Graham L, Heidi & Stella set off with spades and azads, loppers and hedge-cutter (and sandwiches) to widen the path back from the edge where necessary, and make some of the scrambly bits easier.

We have done the worst stretches, and will return to do a bit more work further along the path.

This work is funded by Heptonstall Parish Council.

Path running close to the edge

In front of the Hillary Step

Heidi checking the terrain for
Work in progress

The Hillary Step excavated and easier
to traverse

Overgrown steps forcing feet towards the
small gully at the edge

Now wider for safer passage