Friday, 21 January 2022

CORNHOLME - Bearnshaw Tower

Bearnshaw Tower:

Problems had been reported with two stiles on the Todmorden Centenary Way between Cornholme and Bearnshaw Tower. On a cold, damp day Ken and Kasher went to try to sort out these stiles. 


The issues:


Both stiles had missing tread-boards and were hard to use. However, when we investigated, we realized that more work was needed on both of the stiles.

Current position

Tread-boards have been replaced where possible but we will need to return to replace some stile legs. We will also fit a dog gate adjacent to the lower of the two stiles (see picture). We will reduce the height of the third step. This stile would also benefit from the addition of a tall grab pole which we will fit on the next visit.

Funding from local donations.

An unusual three-step stile

Work in progress: another visit needed



Blackshaw Head – Lower Lane:


After the drainage work, strimming and cutting back along Lower Lane on Wednesday, Ken and Kasher went back to install a few yellow topped posts to aid navigation on this route. 


Current position 

Yellow-topped posts installed

The improved waymarking of this route should help people to use this wet walled lane and connect with the recently waymarked paths near Lane Side, Daisy Bank . . . and beyond. 

Funding from Calderdale Highways Dept