Monday 1 March 2021

LOCKDOWN-3: Emergency tasks and in-depot jobs

 Lockdown-3 continues and only survey work (e.g Calderdale Way), emergency repairs (e.g. broken boardwalk, vandalised dog-gate) and in-depot jobs (e.g stob and marker post cutting, brochure stapling, timber ordering) have taken place. However, in a week's time CROWS may be able to start on-site, socially distanced, in-pairs work. We are looking forward to this cautious return towards a sort of 'normality'.

Just in case CROWS have forgotten what they are missing here's a poem parody. Any resemblance to 'Ozymandias' by P.B. Shelley (1792 - 1822) is coincidental!

              The Land Around Us!

I met a traveller from an old moor land
Who said: "Two weak and rotten post of wood
In the marshes, lean. Near them, close to hand,
Half sunk, a shattered stile-step lies, whose legs
And broken, twisted treads have failed to stand,
But show the dangers, that were mis-read,
Still survive to further rot these ruined things
And mock old workers, now long dead.

On a frail crosspiece, these words appear-
'Footpath Only', 'No Route for Cycling',
'Dogs on Lead' and 'Walk with Care!'"
Nothing beside remains ... Near the decay
Of that timbered wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level bogs stretch far away.'


On that encouraging note, we'll see if CROWS' remote location workers survive next week!