Friday, 10 July 2020


A crack woodworking squad, thinly disguised as Ken and Frank H, made a start on constructing workbenches in the area that the decorating team (thanks Stella & co) had tackled on Monday.

We had a plan which, amazingly, survived the problems of 'not quite level floor', 'not quite homogeneous wall surfaces', 'not quite straight timber' and 'interesting spirit levels that agreed with themselves but not with each other!'

Here are a before picture and a work in progress picture:

Before: room corner prior to decoration
or construction work

After: room corner decorated and
 benches under construction

There is still some work to be done here. The right-hand bench needs the top trim cutting to size and a lower shelf constructing. The left-hand bench needs additional legs; under-bench bracing for the top; front, side and top trims; and a lower shelf (if needed). Plenty to keep Ken and Frank H busy ... while others (probably Ray and Ian S) sort out a rack for storing timber horizontally.

The work on the new depot was funded by the Bearder Charity.