Friday 21 December 2018


Not nearly as impressive as Wednesday's work party, but three of us got quite a few things done to improve the route which climbs up from Park Fold to Erringden Moor.

Ian hammered staples into a very slippery stile while Tristan and Ginny cut back the holly.

Then we all worked at persuading the water, which had been running down the path, to take our preferred route down a ditch.

After that we left the shelter of the trees and were out in the rain. It was far too wet to take photos, but we put in 2 waymark posts to direct walkers up the hillside.  Unfortunately there were no waymarks in the bag we took, but the posts are all ready for our next work party!

The work was done at the request of the farmer at Old Chamber who often finds lost walkers in this area!  It was funded by money raised at Hebden Bridge Beer Festival.