Friday 31 August 2018



1 team today but sub-dividing into groups for various events, mainly cutting through undergrowth and waymarking.

The main event for Ken and Nigel was to dig 3 holes for 2 waymark posts on Heptonstall 32 (long story but good experience in hole digging!) to waymark a footpath near Little Learing Farm, where there is currently a confusion of paths (some that are official, some not).

One post duly painted and waymarked. Gerald tested the quality of the paintwork with his hand!

Another post near the dwelling

Peter, Tristan, Frank S, Gerald, Ken and Nigel opened up the blocked route behind the estate at Colden on Heptonstall 33, all under the superb supervision of our trusted leader Mick.

What we were faced with

After the session